Absolute Essential
Foot Balm 100ml
Key ingredients
Mentha piperita
Refreshing and deodorising.
Cinnamon Leaf
Cinnamonum verum
Anti-fungal, protects against Athlete's Foot.
Tea Tree
Melaleuca alternifolia
Anti-fungal and anti-bacterial.
Untouched Body Cream
Velvety-smooth, readily absorbed and deeply nourishing.
Ingredients by volume
Calendula Tea*, Avocado Oil*, Cocoa Butter*, Apricot Oil*, Calendula Oil*, Olive Emulsifier, Shea Butter*, Arnica Oil*, Lemon*, Rosemary Extract*, Geogard 221, Jojoba Oil*, Cypress*, Xanthan Gum, Tea Tree*, Cinnamon Leaf*, Mint Wild*, Patchouli*, Aloe Vera*, Amigum, Peppermint* (*Certified organic)
Smelly feet - refresh and deodorise
Rub into feet as required.
Foot health - dry skin, cracked heels, tinea
Rub into feet as required.
Safety considerations
This balm is safe if applied as directed. Safe to use with other medication when necessary. Avoid contact with eyes.
Allergies: This balm does not contain nut oils, however, the place of manufacture handles nut oils.
Please note: Therapeutic plant oils are used to support natural body processes for optimum health and wellbeing. The information here is NOT meant as a recommendation to cure any medical condition or disease.